Amara La Negra on Racism and Colorism within the Latino Community 

By Shani J.


The ignorance surrounding racism in the Black community has spread and is now coming to the forefront - among our Afro Latino brothers and sisters. What's even more appalling is that the hate and scrutiny continues to come from those who look just like us or share similar culture.

Love and Hip Hop: Miami star, Amara La Negra, has spoken out about her experiences with racism after an encounter on the series with music producer, Young Hollywood. 

According to the Huffington Post, the producer told her she should change her afro and be "a little bit more Beyonce and a little less Macy Gray." Young Hollywood went on to suggest that she try different looks, something "a little more elegant." Amara immediately defended herself and asked if she can't be elegant with a 'fro. She feels as though people try to put her in a box because of her look and dark skin. 

La Negra told the Huff Post that it's unfortunate that there's so many talented Afro-Latinos worldwide who are robbed of opportunities because of their looks. "It's not that we're not talented," she said. "It's not that we're not educated. "They just don't consider that we have what they consider to be the Latino look," she said.

Amara faced more challenges in colorism where she was accused of wearing blackface. "People don't know there are black people who speak Spanish. There isn't a Latin country that doesn't have people who look like myself," she said during a Breakfast Club interview. 

She went on to speak about her experience at a Latin soap opera audition. She said she was told she had a special look and then was told, "If we have any roles like a prostitute, gangster or slave, we'll definitely have you in mind." La Negra believes that these things are all said out of ignorance and that people need to be educated about Afro Latinos. "Don't ever feel as if you need to change who you are or how you look in order to succeed," she said.

Amara wants to make a difference by being a role model for the next generation. She wants to break barriers for the people who feel like they can't achieve greatness. She is vocal about colorism because she wants to inspire little girls who don't feel appreciated because of their skin color. "When little girls approach me and say how they understand their beauty after seeing me, it means a lot to me," she said. Just like so many Afro Latinas have done, La Negra is on the right track to becoming another face and voice of success in the Afro Latino community.

La Negra has a desire to cross over from the Latin market to the American market, while Cardi B's experience was the other way around. The Breakfast Club's Charlemagne was a bit confused as to what was holding Amara back from being successful if Cardi B was liked and accepted by everyone so quickly and easily. Regardless of where they became famous, La Negra would still be seen as "not Latina enough" when compared to Cardi B, because she's darker skinned. Charlemagne's comparisons to Cardi B helps her movement, because it pushes her even more to be the voice of Afro Latinos that says it is not okay to be overlooked based on your physical features, and that you should embrace who you are no matter what.