Self Care Challenge

Beginnings are always my favorite. Whether it be the start of a job, relationship or any opportunity. Truth be told, it's never too late to start fresh. Since last week was the first week of summer, ,I wanted to press restart on a few of my self care routines.

Self care is a friendly reminder that you are indeed worthy of love and constant charging of your soul.

I'm usually the friend who's always reminding everyone about setting time aside for themselves, but I will admit, this past spring, I've pretty much slacked on being consistent with my very own routines.

Things such as Forgetting to meditate before and after I awake (yikes), staying on top of my writing/ journaling, proper amount of rest, etc. My schedule can sometimes become hectic and I'll often find myself rushing past while uttering the infamous “I don't have time for this” or practicing certain routines for a day or two and becoming frustrated with the results.

Let's be honest, We're apart of a society who is pretty much obsessed with productivity and adopted the whole “sleep when you're dead” mentality. While tending to your goals and staying productive isn't necessarily a bad thing here, we must always remind ourselves that at the same time, we are of no good use to ourselves and the ones around us with our energy battery at 20%.


With that being said, The three areas I wanted to improve more on are:

1) Journaling - journaling helped me release tension and build self awareness when it came to my emotions.

2) TIming - I'm the person who's always “just on time” or sometimes wait until the last minute to start or finish up. Setting up a time schedule will help lower my stress levels.

3) Being more kind to myself- Whether it's physically or mentally. I'm doing the best I can and have to always remind myself of that.


Written by: Ebonie Lee