The Political Face of Domestic Abuse

Kanye West said it best, "No one man should have all that power."  But here we are, stuck with a four year resident evil. Many of those who boycotted the inauguration were able to see shameful clips of the Melania Trump, and Dump Trump smiling then frowning. Which begged the question what was said?

It's no secret Dump Trump is far from a gentleman, between the constant degrading of disabled civilians, the uprising of racial tension, and the blatant disregard for women. He has remained unflattering to all but one woman, Melania Trump. As some wondered why any woman would stand beside such a vile man, others recognized the signs of an emotional abused woman.

The inaugural ball reminded me of a scene in a thriller where a killer pulls his victim in close, just to add a little pleasure to the murder. President Dump Trump and wife Melania, made me more uncomfortable then removing mold from a razor blade.  Those still faces were worse than letting an atheist pray for you. 

From her fear to speak up to her need from approval , Melania remains stiff and unsure. Her change in expression could only be signs of a cry for help. Blinking twice will not save her from her decision to stand in harmony with a man facing rape charges from two decades ago to recent. There is a severe need for healing, in the form of "RUNNNN!!" AND "JUST BREATHE." 

Shavonne Marshall-Wells